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Dependent on equality?

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According to Norway, you can’t have one without the other. Democracy and equality go hand in hand.

And please be aware that equality is misunderstood and distorted with thinking like BEE or BBEEE. You cannot get to inequality by implementing a system of inequality. I hear people talking about rebalancing and righting the wrongs of past policy, what genius thinks applying the same thinking will fix the 1st problem that thinking created. Just like that old saying “Two wrongs don’t make a right.” Tipping the scales in any way means you have tipped scales.Einsten apparently said, “You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it.”

This is raises the question as to whether or not you can legislate equality? Which is what the government would like you believe is possible but I’m pretty sure each of you are aware is impossible. That would be like trying to get rid of ignorance through legislation.

Einsten apparently said, “You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it.”

By the way I’m not anti-black or pro-white. I’m pro South African, I’d personally like to see all talk of colour removed from our culture, how does anyone descriminate when there is “nothing” to descriminate against. Remove the capacity to descriminate.

We are all South African and we’ll all go up or down together. The notion that one group can benefit whilst everyone else suffers is moronic and unsustainable.

What follows is a fantastic example of what I’m talking about.

Discrimination against women has been alleged in hiring practices for many occupations, but it is extremely difficult to demonstrate sex-biased hiring. A change in the way symphony orchestras recruit musicians provides an unusual way to test for sex-biased hiring. To overcome possible biases in hiring, most orchestras revised their audition policies in the 1970s and 1980s. A major change involved the use of blind’ auditions with a screen’ to conceal the identity of the candidate from the jury. Female musicians in the top five symphony orchestras in the United States were less than 5% of all players in 1970 but are 25% today. We ask whether women were more likely to be advanced and/or hired with the use of blind’ auditions. Using data from actual auditions in an individual fixed-effects framework, we find that the screen increases by 50% the probability a woman will be advanced out of certain preliminary rounds. The screen also enhances, by severalfold, the likelihood a female contestant will be the winner in the final round. Using data on orchestra personnel, the switch to blind’ auditions can explain between 30% and 55% of the increase in the proportion female among new hires and between 25% and 46% of the increase in the percentage female in the orchestras since 1970.

You can find it here

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