Friday 7th April Protest March
Democracy – power for the people, by the people!? If you have to have a protest march to be heard, that sounds to me like… Read More »Friday 7th April Protest March
Democracy – power for the people, by the people!? If you have to have a protest march to be heard, that sounds to me like… Read More »Friday 7th April Protest March
What is needed for democracy to not only exist but thrive?
Is what we call currently democracy real, or are have we just been magnificently conned?
Bend over and take it South Africa Transport minister Sibusiso Ndebele, said “It’s done. The tolls are there, the money has been spent and decisions have… Read More »E-tolling – Democracy or Apartheid Revisited
If you haven’t heard about the painting “The Spear” by Brett Murray of Jacob’s Zuma and the subsequent hooha over it, you need to pull your head from the sand.